Linda Codlin

Life Coach based in Whanganui

Helps clients find a life they truly love, develop self-love and discover their purpose and values

Linda Codlin

Specialist services I offer clients:

  • Mindset management
  • Self-love development - enhancing the inner beauty
  • Creating balance and harmony in relationships
  • Purpose and values discovery
  • I work with clients face to face (Whanganui) and remotely using Facetime on Messenger (Linda Codlin), helping people help themselves to create a life they truly love by finding the wisdom and truth wrapped in every day events.


My Story

I thought I was broken, and unable to be fixed. My journey has shown me that I never was broken, no-one is broken. We may be injured and in need of healing, but never broken. Life is a journey that is lived one moment at a time. Some times our moments huddle together to create an event, these events can take us on adventures we didn't know we could have. My life is like a magic carpet ride, exhilarating and terrifying in turn, every event has a silver lining and through mindset mastery I have learned how to find the silver and turn it into gold.

About Me

I enjoy creating beauty in plain spaces, philosophy, hiking, writing and reading, great conversations about the real things of life.

I like to create beauty and style, to draw out peace and harmony from within people. I like order and results, I can be flexible and find creative solutions.

Contact Details


Website: Authentic Living with Linda