Chrissie Liv
Helping intelligent, creative women improve their confidence, courage and self-esteem and take control of their life
Also specialises in better relationships, breaking through blocks and moving forwards
I teach women how to replace the feelings of being lost and not worthy with the feelings of positive energy and the courage to move on. In other words, we go Mojo Hunting together!
I am a great listener, I can 'hear' what my clients are saying. I offer them actions and activities that allow them to 'come out from under their rock' and into the sunshine. I go at the clients pace ( with a hand outstretch to support them through their 'stuff').
The thing that I do the best is, I be me, I'm real, I've done 54 years of life so far, so I have first hand experience of the lumps and bumps. For sure there is sugar coating to be had, but, only AFTER we iron out some of those bumps.
My Story
I am an ordinary kiwi girl. Brought up with loving and hardworking parents in South Canterbury and West Otago. Discouraged by high school I left early to work in a bank, got married, got a mortgage and had three children. All perfectly fine and dandy until it was time to get back into the workforce.
I had no qualifications to speak of so could only get part-time low paid jobs. These included being a cleaner, a teacher aid, a timber yard worker, an insurance cold caller, a relief milker of cows and a flooring salesperson. Not to mention all the volunteer roles I held in my community. Now, as the eldest of four and a handy Girl Guide, I was well capable of working hard and being inventive. No one would pay me what I thought I was worth.
So at age 37, I decided to go back to school and get a teaching degree. With three teenagers and a husband left to hold the fort at home, it was a busy time. There were ups and downs for sure. Not being particularly academic when I was a school the first time around you can imagine the huge effort it took to get back into study mode.
Here I am eleven years on. I've taught in both primary and secondary schools. I love working with kids, they are hard work and rewarding all at once. Over this time I have also worked on my public speaking skills by attending Toastmasters. I have competed at national speech contests several times and won the national impromptu speech title in 2015. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of being invited back to be a judge.
To be fair life has been pretty good, but I needed a change. After working with a life coach I decided to attend a Life Coach course for myself. So, here I am a registered Life Coach with skills to burn. It is a privilege to work with people who are looking for more in their world. Helping others discover their own strengths and empower their future is satisfying. I love it!
Specialist benefits I offer my clients:
- Personal Enrichment
- Self Esteem
- The ability to put yourself first
- Confidence from within
- Finding your voice and using it
- Improving partner relationships
Service and Packages
I work with clients in these ways: 1 to 1, Online workshops and workshop events in person. (usually 30 to 40 attendees) I live in Tapanui, West Otago
I have 2 multi session service packages:
- 1: Moving Forward: 5 sessions to de bug your thinking and get you, literally moving forward! Includes an emailed report from the session to keep you focussed and access to the Courage Crew FB group.
- 2: Staying on Track. This is a 3 month commitment to yourself. Together we get to the nitty gritty of breaking through your blocks and making a plan to MOVE yourself forward toward the you that you want to be. We will take the time to find your courage and convert that into you being large and in charge of your life. It's very personal to you and it works!
About Me
I love a myriad activities including, Crochet and sewing, Toastmasters, cycling tracks in the "back of beyond", attending live theatre and MY favourite is keeping in touch with my Australia and England based whanau. PS: And, just for fun I teach primary school part time.
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: chrissielivmojohunter
Facebook: Chrissie Liv Life Coach Facebook